a blog by Galuh

a blog by Galuh

Category: In House

Nastar Keranjang

Nastar Keranjang

Bored. One of the hundreds of millions of people who get bored during the pandemic is on this page. Tidying up the house, decluttering, adding some dry and wet flowers to do accents on the rooms, cooking, dancing, writing, watching Korean drama, boxing. I think […]

33 Years & Privilege

33 Years & Privilege

I’ve just had my birthday and I made a note. Just yesterday (November 2019), I turned 33. I want to write about myself, and I want you to read it. Over the last few years, I have celebrated my birthdays in silence, I kept it […]



Six years ago after giving birth to the eldest, I struggled with breastfeeding. I thought that my struggle with Mastitis was at its peak in the first month. In the second month, my baby started vomiting. It’s not the milk regurgitation like a baby do […]



Actually, I’m so not confident to join a quiz. Especially the quizzes that not only ask me to answer the question but also challenge me to do something. But this one by chance came at the same time as I finished making the almond coffee […]

Two Eaglets Waiting for Their Mother

Two Eaglets Waiting for Their Mother

  Galuh: On the tree there is an eaglet’s nest. An eaglet is waiting for her mother searching for food. Who is the eaglet’s name? Daya: Hmmm… Popo. Galuh: Okay, Popo. Popo is not alone, he’s with his sister named… Pipi! Her name is Pipi. […]

How A Hectic Mom Looks Back at 2017

How A Hectic Mom Looks Back at 2017

Widely said that we need to reflect on history before making our steps into a better future. Unfortunately, reflecting on what happened during last year has already made me want to hide my face, let alone making a new year resolution. Comparing what I’ve planned […]

Aesop’s Fable: The Salt Merchant and his Donkey

Aesop’s Fable: The Salt Merchant and his Donkey

A peddler drove his Donkey to the seashore to buy salt. His road home lay across a stream into which his Donkey, making a false step, fell by accident and rose up again with his load considerably lighter, as the water melted the sack. The […]

An Ant Who Defeats an Elephant

An Ant Who Defeats an Elephant

Once upon a day, an elephant living in a meadow curiously wanted to go into the forest. The meadow was a comfort place for the elephant, yet he wanted to know if the forest is as pleasant as the meadow. This young elephant has been […]